tom moore

What sets apart Moore Protection?

Our team at Moore Protection is characterized by a plethora of certified and verifiable qualifications, including:

  • The EURODET Personal Security Training in Vienna
  • The Close Protection Operative Course in Lebanon
  • The Glock "Armorer's Course" at Glock Austria
  • Service in the Austrian Armed Forces, including the Jägerregiment 11 in Bruckneudorf
  • Membership in the Austrian Armed Forces Reserve, notably in the Jägerbataillon W2 SAN Medical Unit
  • Positions in Corporate Security Business & Head of Training in Vienna
  • Role as a Speaker in the domain of tactical firearms and shooting techniques
  • Training as a Rescue Paramedic SAR, with TCCC specialization, in Lebanon
  • K-9 Bleeding Controll Course in Polen
  • Expertise within the Austrian Armed Forces in the field of erwSKH/VerwVersGefF
  • Participation as a Speaker in Tactical Emergency Medicine
  • Affiliation with the European Bodyguard & Security Alliance (EBSA)
  • EASA Drone License A1/A3 (Austro Control)
  • Authorship of professional publications

Active participation in current, time-limited global personal protection missions, coupled with ongoing military training, enriches and perfects my diverse professional career.

Furthermore, a wide range of international tactical shooting certifications complements an extensive professional career. We've also taken it upon ourselves to facilitate your equipment selection through experiential reports and self-tests.

Ongoing professional development and participation in international exhibitions such as ENFORCE-TAC & IWA in Nuremberg, Security-Expo in London, IFSEC London, and Milipol in Paris are firmly integrated into our professional routine.

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